Громадный НЛО над Чили ноябрь 2015 Huge UFO over Chile in November 2015

НЛО над Чилийским городом Икике вызвал панику у местных жителей.
Местные власти убеждали жителей что это якобы проекция огромных часов на небо, тест нового проекта.
Но для такой проекции нужны облака, на фото и видео очевидцев облака отсутствуют и свет нечему отражать чтобы его было видно, как это обычно бывает с прожекторами от дискотек.  

Citizens in a Chilean city were shocked to find a strange circle of light floating across the night sky, and took to social media to try to find the answer to the mystery 'UFO'. 

The sky above the city of Iquique in Northern Chile's Tarapaca Region was suddenly adorned with a blue light circle earlier this week. 

A number of videos and images appeared on Twitter and Instagram and other social media channels, with inhabitants asking for an explanation. 

One Twitter user: "What is that on the sky?" posting an image to their social media channel. 

Another posted a picture, captioned: 'Something strange is happening on our sky' 

Another seemed convinced that the city had been paid a visit by extraterrestrials, tweeting: 'It appears an UFO can be seen on the sky of Iquique. I'm nervous'. 

However, fortunately for the citizens of Iquique, no aliens were about to land. 

Local authorities explained the city is building a new public clock that projects the time on the sky, and the light had been part of a 'test run'. 

Authorities informed national newspaper Soy Chile that they have nearly finished the new device that is currently being tested. They did not confirm when it will be put to use. 

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